Hostel Facilities

Residential Arrangement

Details of Hostel Fees

Fees for the whole academic session cover Curricular (Laboratory, Library, Field-trips, Remedial Instructions, Supervised Studies, School Magazines etc.), Sports and Games (Equipments needed for Games, including Coaching and Tournaments within and outside the Campus), Art and Culture (Instruments and Equipments for Dance, Music, Painting, etc.), living (Boarding, Lodging, Laundry, Saloon, etc.).

Schedule of Payment

All fees are payable in one instalment at the beginning of the academic year or in instalment as given in the fee chart. The Registration Fee (Including Prospectus)  300/- (Rupees three hundred only) must be paid at the time of registration. The fees for the academic year either in full or the first instalment (if paid in instalments) must be paid on or before 10th April. Late payment will entail the following penalty : 

•    A late fee of  500/- (Rupees five hundred only) per month will be charged in case of default of payment.

•    If the default continues for more than one month from the due date either as the lump sum payment or as instalments, the name of the student shall be strucked off from the school rolls.

Mode of Payment

All fees should be paid in Cash or through a crossed Bank Draft drawn in favour of Adwaita Mission High School at UCO Bank , Mandar Vidyapith Branch A/c. No. : 07200210001288, IFS CODE : UCBA0000720.

Residential Facilities

At present there are five hostels to accommodate boys and girls coming from distant places. Living together in dormitories under the supervision of resident teachers and having common dining arrangement, the pupils are quietly initiated into the Upanishadic ideal of universal fraternity and trained up in disciplined life.

Inmates are served meals at dining hall in turn and have to clean own utensils. Mass prayer, drill, games, regular study, excursion and cultural programmes are some of the compulsory items the inmates follow in the hostel. 

House System

For promoting team spirit, loyalty and healthy competitive attitude among the students, they are divide into four houses after the names of famous rivers i.e., Ganga, Yamuna, Krishna and Kaveri. Every student at the time of admission is placed under one of these houses. Each houses is headed by Boy / Girl known as House Captain.

A Vice-captain is also selected to help the House Captain. The activities of the house are directed and guided by a teacher appointed as the House Master. During the competitions, points are awarded to the students throughout the year for the co-scholastic activities. At the end of the academic year, the house which gets maximum points is awarded a Running Trophy.

Admission In Hostel

Guardian should apply in the prescribed application form to the Hostel superintendent after taking admission in school. Since the hostel seats are limited, we do not hold responsibility for the admission of all the students in hostel. Guardians should follow the rules and regulations of the hostel framed by the school authority.

Daily Routine

The routine is subject to change according to seasons. Daily routine includes mass prayer, open-air drill and classes are held in the morning from 7:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., lunch at 1:30 P.M., games at 4:00 P.M., refreshments at 5:30 P.M. and dinner at 8:30 P.M., Supervised study held during morning and evening for all the classes to monitor the progress of students.


Every effort is made to provide the inmates with a well balanced diet. Two square meals with Tiffin (twice) are provided daily. Only vegetarian food is served. 


The school has holidays for about a week each for Holi, Durga Puja, Summer Vacation for about a month. During Summer Vacation, students are not allowed to stay in the hostel. Notice of the actual commencement of vacation and dates of re-opening of the school are sent to guardians in time.
Pupils must return from home one day before the re-opening of the school after the vacation or holidays.

Medical Check-Up

Weekly medical check-up by a well-qualified physician is arranged and medicines are provided at the expense of guardians. In case the students require special treatment beyond the capacity of the school, guardians are advised to have the patient treated at home.


Reasonable care is taken by the school for the safety of the children in the school premises. The school authorities shall not be held responsible for accidents and other eventualities, which are beyond their control.

Leave Regulations

 Guardians and parents should understand that absence of the wards from the school may retard their progress in studies. Hence they should avoid absence of their wards unnecessarily. Leave of absence can be granted only on the following grounds : 

•    Serious illness or death of a very close relative.

•    Religious ceremony at which the presence of the concerned student is indispensable.

Conditions For Withdrawal

Those who got admitted to hostel and subsequently wish to withdraw for whatever reasons may be, will forfeit the entire fees paid. Parents are required to go through the conditions for withdrawal carefully before they admit their wards to the school hostel. Decision of the school authorities on refund shall be final and binding by the parents or guardians.

Forfeiture of Annual Fee

If any student is expelled from the school by removing his/her name from the rolls, the entire fees paid during that academic year shall be forfeited, irrespective of date of such expulsion.

Visit of Parents

Parents or guardians may visit the school hostel on second Sunday of every month to meet their wards. Guests should abide by the rules regarding timing for meals during their stay. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are strictly prohibited inside the campus.

Phone Calls

Parents are requested to write letters(Postcards) regularly to their wards and avoide phone calls as far as possible. However, arrangements have been made to contact the students over phone (Mob. Nos. : 9771459005 / 9771459009) every Sunday as per the schedule noted below.

Class            Time

I to V        :     7:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

VI to XII        :    2:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.

School Activities at A Glance : Photo Insert